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关于我们/About Us

赣州鑫鑫新材料有限责任公司成立于2013年初,工厂位于江西省赣州市大余县经济开发区,总面积约3万m2,是专业研究、开发及制造高性能SMC(软磁复合材料)铁芯及高端磁体的高新技术企业。公司注册资本为人民币1000万元,拥有一支磁性材料、机械电子、化工、粉末冶金等领域的专业技术团队,以顾客满意为中心,奋力耕耘在高新材料行业。公司销售分国内销售与国外销售,主导产品有SMC铁芯。粘结钕铁硼磁体、铁氧体磁瓦(石)等.. GANZHOU XINXIN NEW MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. was established in early 2013, the factory is located in Ganzhou, Jiangxi Dayu County Economic Development Zone, with a total area of ??about 3 million m2, is a professional research, development and manufacture of high-performance SMC (soft magnetic composite) Iron the magnet core and high-end high-tech enterprises. Companies registered capital of 10 million yuan, with a magnetic material, machinery, electronics, chemicals, metallurgy and other fields of professional and technical team..... [查看详情]

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